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Character Sheets

Call of Cthulhu

I love the design of the character sheet from the third edition from 1983 as one can see on the sheets here. Back then Games Workshop publiced many roleplaying games together with the RPG companies.

Jeg elsker designet af karakter arket fra tredje udgaven fra 1983, som man kan se på arkene her. Den gang udgave Games Workshop mange rolespil sammen med RPG firmaerne.

2 pages sheet for 1920's - A4 (Pdf 90 Kb)

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2 pages sheet for 1920's - Letter (Pdf 95 Kb)

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2 pages sheet for Delta Green - A4 (Pdf 70 Kb)

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2 pages sheet for Delta Green - Letter (Pdf 65 Kb)

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4 pages sheet for 1920's - A4 (Pdf 80 Kb)

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4 pages sheet for 1920's - Letter (Pdf 80 Kb)

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Dark Heresy

This game is my favorite game at the moment. I have tried to improve the sheet by making it easier to find the informations on the sheet and adding som admosfer. Are you looking for more Dark Heresy stuff, then look at the RPG page.

Dette spil er mit favorit spil i øjeblikket. Jeg har prøvet at forbedre arket ved at gøre det lettere at finde informationerne på arket og ved at tilføje noget atmosfære. Er du på udkik efter flere Dark Heresy ting, så prøve at kikke på RGP siden.

3 pages editable sheet - A4 (Zip/Pdf 1.1 Mb)

Originally I hadn't thDownload - You might have to right click and choose Save to ...ought about making an editable sheet, but then a guy named Mat sent a mail with my sheet in an editable version. That was really cool! Sent Mat a friendly thought, if you use this sheet. In the end I changed almost every thing, because I wasn't quit satisfied with the choice of font, font sizes and what things could be filled in. I hope you will appreciate the many hours that I have used struggling with the field tools in Acrobat Professionel. I really hope these tools will be improved in the coming versions.

I have added a page where you can record Contacts, Alter Egos, XP advancements, Other players, Faith and there is room to draw a portrait.

Jeg havde oprindeligt ikke tænkt mig at lave arket redigerbart, men så kom der en mail fra en gut ved navn Mat, som havde vedhæftet mit ark i en redigerbart version. Og det var jo rigtig fedt! Så send Mat en venlig tanke, hvis du benytter dig af dette ark. Jeg er dog endt med at lave næsten det hele om, da jeg ikke var helt tilfreds med skriftvalg, skriftstørrelser og hvilke ting, der kunne udfyldes. Jeg håber, at du vil sætte pris på de mange timer, som jeg har brugt på at bakse med feltværktøjerne i Acrobat Professionel. Jeg håber virkelig, at disse værktøjer vil blive forbedret i kommende versioner.

Jeg har tilføjet en side, hvor der er plads til at skrive, Contacts, Alter Egos, XP advancements, Other players, Faith og der er plads til at tegne et portræt.

Ascension - 3 pages editable sheet - A4 (Zip/Pdf 500 Kb)

Download - You might have to right click and choose Save to ...This Ascension sheet was added in November 2011. It's based on my Dark Heresy sheet but with more space for skill, talents, XP and other things introduced in Ascension. Enjoy!

Dette Ascension ark blev tilføjet i november 2011. Det er baseret på mit Dark Heresy ark men med mere plads til til skills, talents, XP og andre ting, der blev introduceret i Ascension. God fornøjelse!

3 seite Schättenjager Charakterbogen - A4 (Zip/Pdf 2.7 Mb)

This is aDownload - You might have to right click and choose Save to ... German version of my 3 page editable Sheet for the german fans.

Dies ist eine deutsche Version meiner 3 Seite editierbar Schättenjager Charakterbogen für die Deutsch-Fans.

3 pagine di Dark Heresy Scheda del Personaggio - A4 (Zip/Pdf 500 Kb)

This is aDownload - You might have to right click and choose Save to ... Italian version of my 3 page editable Sheet for the Italian fans.

Questa è una versione italiana del mio Foglio 3 pagine modificabili per i tifosi italiani.

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Middle-earth (MERP)

2 pages sheet - A4 (Pdf 35 Kb)

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2 pages sheet - Letter (Pdf 35 Kb)

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Character Making sheet - A4 (Pdf 40 Kb)

Download - You might have to right click and choose Save to ...The pdf contains the most basic things one needs for creating a MERP character. It is a lot simpler than its big brother Rolemaster which is a good thing in my opinion. The rule book is still needed, if you can get one of this old books.

Denne pdf indholder de mest basale ting til at lave en MERP karakter. Det er meget lettere end i storebror Rolemaster, hvilket er en god ting efter min mening. Regelbogen er stadigvæk nødvendig, hvis du ellers kan få fat på en af disse gamle bøger.

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Mid Evil

4 pages sheet - A4 (Pdf 65 KB)

Download - You might have to right click and choose Save to ...This sheet is made by the Sonic Dwarfs, and I added a little lay-out and a logo. I used a whole evening and some of the night calligraphing to get the logo just right. You can download the rules from the RPG main page.

Dette ark er lavet af the Sonic Dwarfs, og så har jeg tilføjet lidt lay-out og et logo. Jeg brugte en hel aften og noget af natten med at kaligrafere for at få logoet helt rigtigt. Du kan downloade de engelske regler fra RPG hovedsiden.

4 pages sheet - Letter (Pdf 70 KB)

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3 pages sheet - A4 (Pdf 40 Kb) - by Caffine RolePlay

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Star Frontiers

3 pages sheet - A4 (Pdf 60 Kb)

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3 pages sheet - Letter (Pdf 70 Kb)

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Vampire - the masquerade

4 pages sheet - A4 (Pdf 190 Kb)

Download - You might have to right click and choose Save to ...This is a blank character sheet.

Dette er et blankt karakter ark.

14 Clan sheets - 4 pages - A4 (Zip/Pdf 2.9 Mb)

Download - You might have to right click and choose Save to ...There are sheets for the following clans: Assamite, Brujah, Baali, Gangrel, Giovanni, Lasombra, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Setites, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce & Ventrue. The pictures show 4 examples from the different sheets.

Her er 14 Klan ark. Der er ark til følgende klaner: Assamite, Brujah, Baali, Gangrel, Giovanni, Lasombra, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Setites, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce & Ventrue. Billederne viser 4 eksempler fra de forskellige ark.

Vampire - Dark Age

5 pages sheet - A4 (Pdf 230 Kb)

Download - You might have to right click and choose Save to ...This is a blank character sheet.

Dette er et blankt karakter ark.

13 Clan sheets - 4 or 5 pages - A4 (Zip/Pdf 3.1 Mb)

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There are sheets for the following clans: Assamite, Brujah, Gangrel, Giovanni, Lasombra, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Setites, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce & Ventrue. The pictures show 5 examples from the different sheets.

Her er 14 Klan ark. Der er ark til følgende klaner: Assamite, Brujah, Gangrel, Giovanni, Lasombra, Malkavian, Nosferatu, Ravnos, Setites, Toreador, Tremere, Tzimisce & Ventrue. Billederne viser 5 eksempler fra de forskellige ark.

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Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 1st edition (WFRP1)

4 pages sheet - A4 (Pdf 160 Kb)

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4 pages sheet - Letter (Pdf 170 Kb)

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